What is Umrah DIY? 

by Umrah Team 08 Mar 2023

In recent years, many pilgrims are opting to plan and organise their own Umrah trips. With the increasing number of people who have been successful at this endeavour, a growing amount of information and resources have become accessible online, resulting in the current Umrah DIY trend. So, what exactly is Umrah DIY? 

The term Umrah DIY (Do-It-Yourself) means performing Umrah independently, without the help of a tour operator or travel agency. This includes making all arrangements by oneself, such as planning itineraries, booking flights, securing visas, and arranging for accommodation and transportation. 

Umrah DIY can offer a greater sense of fulfilment and a more authentic experience. However, it can also be more challenging, as it requires a great amount of independence, careful planning, and thorough attention to detail. 

If you are considering to give it a try, fret not, as UmrahDIY was thoughtfully crafted to help individuals and families plan and arrange their own Umrah trips with ease. From sharing useful tips to facilitating your bookings, we’ve got it all covered! So let’s get started and plan your trip with us! 


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